By Abdulrosheed Aishah
Campus relationship is a common act among students of higher institutions. Different institutions tag it with different names, it’s fondly called morocco in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto or UDUS.
Morocco is nothing but a means of unseriousness by the majority of students. I see reasons why morocco fans should be aware of its consequences. It’s usually held in the night, meanwhile, an aphorism says ‘evil is done in the dark night’.
Why can’t you dialogue with your friends in the afternoon or evening, must it be in the night during dark time? An elderly person used to say ‘darkness did not know an honorable person’, I hope the morocco lovers understand this instinct.
Every student should be more careful about the discourse, especially ladies (my gender), if you allow men to ruin your career, it will be a sorry case that you won’t be sorry for. Men always have options out of the wrath of its consequences but women can regret it till the end of their life. So, try to avoid a story that will torch your heart.
Although, it is not all men that are bad, majority of them are worst and not saint in anyway. Some of them will fool you that school is not fun without morocco and also maintain that school na scam. Ladies should be careful of a guy they want to engage with because some of them did not even have a plan for themselves not to talk of their morocco partners.
More so, learn from an ordeal of a female final year student that morocco made her earn carryover while in the 100 level. She was dating a guy that she loves wholeheartedly to the extent that she couldn’t do without seeing and talking to the guy. Eventually, the guy served her breakfast [broke up] because of another lady. She felt heart broken and found it difficult to believe the scenario. Before she recovered from the anxiety, she had failed some courses which dashed her carryovers.
Similarly, after sad trials of morocco, a lady wrote a story titled; “Nobody told me to shun Morocco for boko” where she narrated the bad effect of morocco in her life. Morocco always has a negative effect on ladies than the counterpart gender, funnily, the guys will consume the lady and her foodstuffs.
In conclusion, life is about a choice, everyone has the privilege to one’s mind. We are all judges in our own courts and the ball is in our court. It will be advisable for a student who is passionate about success to shun morocco for boko.
The writer: Abdulrosheed Aishah is a 100-level student of Agriculture at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto (UDUS).